Letters for Chapters 14 to 18.
Dear Being Special,
The one constant about Being Special, aside from Autumn being a spoiled brat, is location. Let me explain. All the action is centered in Brooklyn, or more specifically, the Greenpoint neighborhood of this fine borough. The narrative is filled with constant references to local band, Walk Talk (I understand this is meant for kids so I’ll forgive the omission of the Pimps of Joytime). If you remember, Walk Talk was mentioned quite a few times in theIEProblem as well.
Now, I love Walk Talk, and I’m glad to see them included but there’s some inconsistencies in the depiction of Greenpoint. I’ve lived in Brooklyn all my life so I know what I’m talking about. For example, there is no studio in Greenpoint. There are a lot of great clubs, like the Ponyboy, but I’ve never seen a studio here. So, I’m curious, how Autumn is “walking distance” away from this supposed studio. However, there is a studio in Fort Greene. I’m curious why you didn’t just have Autumn film her interview there?
One last thing…I want to see more of Greenpoint in this story. It’s such a vibrant neighborhood and I’m disappointed that you’ve shown very little of it. Mainly, the narrative is content with showing Autumn’s room. Over and over and over again.
Or the library.
Melissa Ashley,
Brooklyn, New York
Your point is well taken, Melissa. However, we just thought setting most of the action in Greenpoint was integral to the story being told. The reason the studio is in Greenpoint, and not Fort Greene, is because we wanted a steamlined approach for younger readers. The goal was to keep most of the action in Greenpoint and only deviating when absolutely necessary (like when Autumn went to Times Square).
More of Greenpoint will be shown in the next chapter. Also, you win a “No Prize” for your great taste in music. As always, expect delivery in two weeks.
Dear Being Special,
I’m sick and tired of Autumn Blevins being disrespected. She is, by far, your most interesting character and this is how you treat her. You have readers writing in and calling her “a spoiled brat,” which this publication encourages. After all, this is the same people that glorified Jessica Sale and made her out to be a hero. That’s right. A bully who tormented someone with learning disabilities was put on a pedestal. That whole story was unsettling and gross, honestly.
I was relieved when Being Special was first announced and that Jessica was NOT going to be in it. Finally, I thought, Autumn would have the spotlight to herself. In time, however, and reading the previous letter pages, I became distraught. I read letter after letter of people trashing Autumn. It was the usual complaints, which was noted in theIEProblem, that she was selfish or a horrible person.
Guess what?
That’s not true and I’m going to give you examples on how Autumn is actually a GOOD person.
- Autumn stood up to her friend after Meylin encountered racism at the pool club. If Autumn really didn’t care about anyone but herself, then why even confront the racist pool workers? Not only did she confront them but Autumn made sure she was being filmed, thereby exposing them.
- Here’s something that your readers don’t mention. Why hasn’t Autumn tried to get revenge on Jessica for the constant harassment she suffered? She is at the pinnacle of her power with the television show and everything that entails. Why doesn’t Autumn make Jessica’s life a living hell? She could pay kids to beat up Jessica for everything she endured. But she doesn’t.
- Autumn is the only one to treat Todd with dignity throughout the story. Yes. She has ulterior motives. I get that but she was still kind to him. Emily made fun of Todd as soon as she saw him. The only reason she warmed up to him is because Todd shared her interests. Remember that crack about Todd’s stuttering? I do. Don’t get me started on how Meylin behaved (I like the character but she was wrong in this instance).
- Okay. I know that Autumn made a SERIOUS lapse in judgment by bringing Todd to the studio and we all know how that ended. But she’s clearly remorseful and determined to make things right. I’m confident we’re going to see Autumn go through a major change in the last few chapters.
I could keep on listing Autumn’s positive attributes but this letter is long enough as it is.
Rebecca Garcia,
Newark, New Jersey
Thank you for that, Rebecca. You made a lot of good points that I hope our readers consider. There’s not much to add except that Jessica is a flawed character, very much like Autumn in many ways. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would condone her bullying. However, just like Autumn, there are extenuating circumstances to her behavior. Remember, Jessica is a child who underwent a lot of trauma in her life. If one defends Autumn so fervently, they should be able to emphasize with Jessica on some level (without condoning her actions).
Dear Being Special,
I’ll keep this short but I think something is going on with Meylin. I can’t exactly articulate it but…she doesn’t seem as surprised by everything that’s going on as she should be. It’s like she expected it or something. I don’t know. Sorry for my half formed theory. I’ll go back to bed now.
Jason Karr,
(address withheld upon request)
I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself. You’re right that it’s not a fully articulated theory but it has some of us nodding our heads in approval. Just think that if you just expanded on it you would have won a “No Prize.”
Okay, everyone. That’s it for us this time. Thanks for taking the time and keep reading.
Related article: Being Special, Chapter 18 (all previous chapters are linked on the botton of chapter 18). https://baltimoreraven87.medium.com/being-special-chapter-18-75d8beaad81a