Monmouth University Professor’s Correspondence with Autumn Blevins.
Name of professor is redacted due to privacy concerns. Only the professor’s answers are included. Each paragraph break signifies the professor answering a different question.

Thank you for reaching out! I already told your Mom this but it was such a pleasant surprise catching up with her. Also, before I get into it, I want to congratulate you on all your success. Very much deserved. Now, onto your questions and I’m sorry I rambled a bit there.
Todd was only in one of my classes so I don’t know how much insight I can offer. It was a graduate level course, however.
I don’t recall Todd ever having trouble speaking. In the course I was teaching, students are required to participate in class discussions. That’s actually true for most graduate level offerings, irrespective of one’s major (which your parents are probably well aware).
Anyway, he was fine in class discussions. Although, generally a quiet student, he participated enough to earn a passing grade. That being said, I do remember him stuttering quite a bit in response to one class question. I can’t recall any other time this happened.
I’m sorry to say but I didn’t notice anything unusual about his hands. I wasn’t looking to be honest! However, his penmanship was poor. I distinctly remember that. It was always difficult to decipher what he was writing. Luckily for me, and him, most written assignments were typed.
Todd’s final class presentation was satisfactory and he earned a passing grade. It had something to do with comic books, I believe. That’s all I really remember. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Again, I don’t recall him having trouble speaking or stutering.
I’m so sorry Todd’s interview didn’t go well, Autumn. I wish I was able to offer more concrete advice on how to “reach” him. However, I commend you for trying again. Maybe he just wasn’t feeling it that particular afternoon? Just stay positive!
Name Redacted