Bethany Boyd Oscar on her Newest Client, Autumn Blevins (the Actress renown for having Learning Disabilities).
This is an excerpt from a longer interview conducted with the talent agent.

Q: “Okay. I understand where you’re coming from. Now, let’s get to, perhaps, your most noteworthy client, Autumn Blevins.”
BBO: “Well, I haven’t had her long. She was one of Jack’s before he retired so…yeah (laughter).”
Q: “How long have you been representing her?”
BBO: “Oh. I don’t know. I’d say about three or four months now.”
Q: “So, you didn’t get her on the Spirit Scribe show?”
BBO: “God, no. That was all Jack. I’m not going to take credit for that or maybe I should (laughter).”
Q: “In your view, does Autumn come with a lot of baggage due to her history and disabilities?”
BBO: “Baggage? I don’t know what you’re…”
Q: “Well, let’s start with her being bullied last year. Essentially, for those that don’t know, Autumn was bullied because of her learning disabilities. When this was made public, Autumn received the starring role in Spirit Scribe. Before this, she was a rather obscure actress.”
BBO: “I remember reading about that at the time. It was horrible. I can’t believe it happened in Brooklyn. I’m not sure if you know or not, but I grew up there.”
Q: “Wow. I didn’t know that.”
BBO: “Yeah. I didn’t leave until I started college. I mean, that’s why it was so shocking to me. I just couldn’t imagine something like that happening there, you know?”
Q: “I guess you have something in common with your client then, huh? (laughter)?”
BBO: “Not only that but I’m also a former child actress. I mostly did voiceovers and stuff like that. Hey. You ever see the animated Christmas movie, Noel?”
Q: “I’m sorry to say that I haven’t.”
BBO: “Well, I was in that too (laughter). But, yeah, mostly voiceovers and things like that. Autumn has already eclipsed me but that’s okay. I still love her (laughter).”
Q: “But let’s bring it back to my main question. And let me reword it slightly. Any challenges with Autumn that is unique to your other clients because of her disabilities?”
BBO: “Not really. I haven’t had any problems with her whatsover. She’s been great. Look, every client has specific needs and personalities that (inaudible) and we have to take that into account. What I’m saying is, and I’m sorry for the longwinded answer, is that every client is unique.”
Q: “Have you seen her new Instagram? She’s calling it Special Friends and she interviews those with disabilities. Some have said this is exploitation and…”
BBO: “I haven’t seen it but, listen, she talked to me about it and (inaudible) trying to spread awareness. I don’t see why that’s…”
Q: “Where Autumn is using her power and privilege over people with intellectual disabilities, and mostly small children, in the guise of education.”
BBO: “It seems your mind is already made up.”
Q: “Look, I’m just saying if you had any conversation with her about this. This is a real concern of many that Autumn is using these children to promote herself.”
BBO: “I haven’t heard anything like that. On the contrary, our agency has received tons of feedback from people that love her interviews. “
Q: “I’m not trying to start a debate but I was more curious about any hints of behavioral issues that sometimes coincide with developmental disabilities?”
BBO: “None at all.”
Q: “Okay. Fair enough. So, you, and your agency, must be elated at Autumn’s success.”
BBO: “We’re very proud of her. Autumn is such a talented actress and an awesome human being. I’m so honored to be representing her.”
This ended the Autumn Blevins portion of the interview.
This article is a tie-in to the novel, Being Special. The latest chapter is linked below (all previous chapters are linked at the bottom of chapter 9).