Autumn Blevins’s Letter to Monmouth University’s Department of History and Anthropology
This letter was written by Autumn Blevins to Monmouth University. It concerns her “Special Friends” project.

Hi, my name is Autumn Blevins, and I recently received an email from one of your students. Well, he claimed to be one of your students. Are any of you familiar with a Todd King? Todd said that he was a graduate student and attended Monmouth (that he was a History major). I wasn’t sure so that’s why I’m contacting you.
Let me add a little background information because I’m sure this is confusing. I created a project called “Special Friends,” and it entails interviewing people with learning and developmental disabilities. Anyway, Todd contacted me and asked to be interviewed. I just want to make sure he’s legit because I get a lot of emails (and messages). And, unfortunately, many of them are dubious in nature.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Autumn Blevins
Email address was redacted due to privacy concerns.